
<a href="https://youtu.be/8kWcbhsDu7Y" class="wplightbox"> <IMG src="https://innercyclestudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/kara_play.jpg" /></a>

Kara came north to us from friendly Virginia! Her rides incorporate interval training with both cardio and strengthening drills to maximize the calorie burn while building strong and lean bodies. Each session allows you to challenge yourself differently and build each week on your own fitness level with sprints, runs, hills, jumps, and of course, killer arm routines to work the upper body and core. Her tunes will motivate you every pedal stroke of the way which include songs from every decade designed to make each drill fun and the class fly by. 

<iframe src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify%3Auser%3A1242626240%3Aplaylist%3A5HSbTZx4EYrayhM37d3TKU" width="300" height="475" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
[hc-hmw snippet=”kara”]