TGIF IC! We wanted to fill you in on some AWESOME new classes for BOTH studios starting next week, along with some schedule changes:

Kara is BACK!  Look for her on the Beverly schedule starting this week:

  • Sundays 9am Cycle & Tone Express
  • Wednesdays 6pm Cycle & Tone (please note time change)

Rumor has it she’ll be heading to Amesbury for a regular slot soon, so keep checking the schedule for details!

The lovely, yet fierce Lauren Michaud will be adding another rooster class!  Wednesday 5:30am Cycle, get up and ride before your brain has time to think about it! Next Wednesday’s is FREE.  Sign up here!


Start your weekend off with a super fun ride!  Join Melissa C. Friday nights for 6:30pm Cycle class starting next Friday!  Melissa will make you laugh while you sweat, grab your free bike for next week’s class now!  Sign up here!

So many excited things coming your way this Fall IC!  Stay tuned!

Lose Yourself In The Ride!