Announcing Another Unique Class on the Schedule…

FusionCycle with Fae Morrissey! Created by The IC's lovely and talented, Fae Morrissey, FusionCycle is a 50 minute cycling class which incorporates deep yoga and Pilates stretches on the bike.  The concept is "LESS IS MORE!"  Less talk, less distracting lyrics, and...

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Introducing HIIT Cycle & Tone

Welcome 2014- the New Year, a fresh start, a clean slate. Bring on the resolutions! We are over the moon excited to announce the addition of a new and exciting class to our schedule to help you reach your fitness goals this year. Drumroll please... We bring you HIIT...

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Ring in the New Year with a RIDE at The Inner Cycle!

Time to get your butts in gear peeps!  Too many holiday cocktails?  Too many cookies, pies perhaps?  NO PROBLEM!  That is why we spin- so that we can indulge when we want and live our lives to the fullest!  Grab a bike in one of our special New Years Eve or New Years...

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What’s Happening At The IC This Weekend?

Saturday, November 23rd:  NUX Trunk Show Wanna show off the hard work you've been doing with some curve-loving, sexy workout gear for your spinning classes? Have a friend, sibling, mom, or wife that could use a new tank or leggings? This Saturday, November 23rd, Inner...

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Hey Girl! Meet Tanya

  Tanya is a body sculpt cycle regular and it shows- can you say guns?!? and legs? This girl rocks heels like you read about... DAMN! I will keep it short and sweet because Tanya is one that does NOT want the limelight on her. She comes in, grabs HER bike, and...

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Hey Elaine! Bravo!

Beautiful Elaine has been one of our loyal spinners from the start. Always wearing a smile, her great attitude and outlook on life is infectious. She runs, she barres, she spins, she does it all! Elaine, thanks for being YOU! We appreciate your genuine support....

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Liz Hobin Gets the Job Done!

We proudly welcome Liz to the ranks of the 100th ride club! Following in the steps of her mom, Liz graces us a couple times a week. A recruit by Emily's brother, Joel, she now willingly spins with her mom, sis, Lauren, and one of her bffs, Amanda Krugman. Join us in...

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