Community Ride, Saturdays 4pm

Community rides originated as a way for The IC to make small donations to sweet causes close to our hearts and as a way of giving newly certified and aspiring instructors a chance on The IC stage to get some good experience and exposure.

We are psyched to announce that we’re bringing community rides to ALL studio locations next month. They will be held at 4pm with a rotating instructor. Regular ride cards and credit card payments are not accepted, but for $5 cash, you can get an awesome sweaty Saturday afternoon workout in and know that 100% of it is handed over to a great cause. Community rides are currently being dedicated to Project Will.

What is Project Will?

In October 2016 our good friends lost their sweet baby boy, Will.

Will was just 10 days old when he died from complications that are sometimes common with babies born as prematurely as he was.  10 days old or 100 years old, the love that we all had for Will was and still is fierce and strong, and his little life forever changed us. There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t smile about him and cry about him – sometimes all at the same time.

In memory of Will and to honor his sweet life and to carry on the loving, open hearts of his family, Project Will’s mission is to provide the community and families in need, with small gifts of adventure, family fun, and love.

Our first project will be fulfilled this Spring- where we will put together toiletry bags for families staying overnight at the NICU at Beverly Hospital, a place that is special because of their excellent care for both babies and parents.

With community donations, we would love to continue to fulfill small projects that help the community in small ways.  We believe that a little love actually translates to a lot of love, and that it’s spread is contagious and through that, Will’s spirit will live on.

The Jamieson, Michaud, Kesner-Healey, and Martin-Cone Talbot Families

Sign Up for today’s Community Ride!

See you in the saddle, IC!
Hillary & Emily