The Holiday season is here and although it comes with a lot of yuletide cheer, it is usually accompanied with some stress.  The extended family time, gifts to purchase, and events to plan often leave many of us feeling less than our best.  So, this year, we urge you to be mindful of the crazy, and do your best to quiet all the noise.

Take Space.  Not all of us have the time and resources necessary for a mani/pedi or a staycation—so even if you are only able to take a few moments for yourself each day—do it.  Take a ride alone in your car, walk around the block, or stay in the bathroom with your kids on the other side of the door for an extra flush or two.   Whenever you can get it—take space.  It will give you peace of mind and will hopefully make that inevitable holiday catch-up conversation with Aunt Janice a little more manageable.

Move your Body And we do not mean do a 50-minute spin class everyday (…but we would love it if you did #monthlyunlimited).  Take a walk, attend a class, or do some quick lunges and high knees in your living room.  When you get your body moving, it helps to clear your mind.  Because like Elle Woods famously said, “Exercise gives you endorphins; endorphins make you happy!”  (Whatever, it’s a Legally Blonde reference, just get there…)

 Go Easy on Yourself.  Eat the pie and double-down on the whipped cream.  Drink the eggnog or the cocktail and cheers to family and friends.  Don’t count the calories—let it go.  Allow the kids to stay up a little late and be okay with some extra screen time or sugar.  Be okay with the fact that you still don’t get along with your cousin’s wife, despite all your best efforts.  You are not in charge of other people’s happiness. (We repeat, you are not in charge of other people’s happiness.)  Let go of expectation and smile.  Because f*cking, #YOLO, baby.  And what fun is December without a little disfunction anyway?!

Say No.  It’s incredibly liberating when you realize that you do not actually have to go to Sarah’s Christmas swap, or Evan’s menorah lighting, or Uncle Danny’s NYE bash.  Yes, your mom might get mad, your kids might miss out, and your best friend might feel let down—but everyone will be okay.  Everyone who loves you will still be there after the declined request, and if they aren’t—see ya later!  You don’t need to volunteer at all the school events, or buy all the presents, or accommodate everyone’s requests.  So, say “No.”—or “No, thank you” or “Hell no”—whatever.  Save some gas in the tank for you—to keep you going.

Have Fun.  Smile, sing songs, tell jokes, be silly—the Holidays are an excuse for bright lights, reindeer ears, classic movies, and belly laughs! Enjoy it, whatever that means for you.

And when all else fails—hop in the saddle.  Because riding in the dark with a bunch of kickass people to motivating music is sure to put a smile on your face for at least fifty minutes.  We got your back—now go get MERRY!