Two new instructors hit the North Reading stage! Read all about them and check out their classes for FREE this week!

Meet Jill Powers!
Jill is a senior at Andover High School in Andover Ma. She is a two sport varsity athlete playing both soccer and softball and her favorite ways to get fit are running, weight training, and of course spinning! She is utterly in love with the beach and anything having to do with the ocean.

When you ride with Jill, you can always expect to be rocking with the newest music from hip-hop to pop to country. Get ready to push your limits while having a blast! Riders can count on her high energy vibes and bubbly personality to keep them smiling through even the hardest hills. “Following my dream at such a young age drives me to inspire my riders that truly anything is possible!”

Jill will be teaching Tuesdays at 3:30pm and Saturdays at 10am- both Cycle & Tone Express!

Check her out for FREE this week!

Meet Nicole Dalamangas!
Growing up, Nicole never considered herself athletic, but always loved music and dancing. After graduating from college, she decided to try spin at a local gym. At first she found it challenging, but began seeing results. In about 9 months she had loss 30 lbs!

“Four years later I am so excited to be teaching at Inner Cycle! My class has a beat-based style, giving a total body workout. I love all types of music, but am a sucker for old school hip hop, top 40 and covers. Basically any song thats going to motivate me and make me sweat!”

Nicole will be taking over the Wednesday 4:30pm and Friday 5:30am Cycle & Tone Classes!

Check her out for FREE this week!


See you in the saddle!

Hill & Em