December was an interesting month here at The Inner Cycle. On December 5th, we officially opened our doors. That Monday, we met our very first spinner, Elaine Woolaver. She has graced our presence for the last six weeks, three times a week, for the early bird classes, and was the first patron to buy a package! Gosh what a feeling that was! “Wow! someone bought a package!” Thank you, Elaine, for your positive attitude and your sunny approach to the darkness of the morning.

In December, we de-virginized MANY friends to spin and are proud to say we’ve made a few converts- Justin McKenna, Diane Whigham, and Joan Filadoro to name a few. Thank you to ALL of our friends and family who have come in and given spinning the old “college try” in support of our venture. We appreciate you more than you could ever know.

We dove head first into social media and the abyss that is The World Wide Web, “tweeting” daily (or trying to anyways), and facebooking like mad. It is very much a work in progress… but a fun one at that.

Christmas and Hanukkah came and went, with our lobby halls decked with a Christmas tree, a menorah, and pointsettias throughout. What a joyful season to open the doors! On December 31st, the 2012 ball dropped and again the slate was wiped clean- a New Year. Welcome 2012, we are psyched for you! On January 8th, we threw The Inner Cycle a Grand Opening Party. What a turnout! We had lots of traffic through the studio of both new and familiar faces. Thank you all so much for coming out and celebrating with us! We can’t wait to see what our photographer, Bryan Rafferty, captured that day. Pictures coming soon!

We have loads of fun ideas for this upcoming year- classes, themes, parties, fundraisers, you name it! We’ve been dreaming it up. Right now we are working on a lover’s Valentine’s Day spin in February, and a super cool Pan Mass Challenge charity event. Please stay tuned.

There are two weeks left in January. If you haven’t already, be sure to take advantage of the promotion we are running for 20% off your first package. We also carried over the First Two Rides Free promotion this month, so if you haven’t been in yet, please come in and try us out! To reserve a bike, go to Create an account (it’s free), pick out a class that works for you, and select ***First 2 Rides FREE***. Hope to see you soon!

Hill & Em