Ready for a challenge but prefer a more intimate group? Well look no further because our next IC HOT MAMAS Challenge is coming to Beverly this spring!!! HOT mamas is a mindset! There are plenty of reasons to feel less than your best…new baby, work stress, or just in a rut. This program is for women of ALL ages, sizes, and fitness levels looking for a small-group intensive program that will truly transform the way you THINK and FEEL about yourselves. This will be our our 4th Hot Mamas series, and if our past three groups are any indication, this challenge will also change the way you look. Our graduate HOT MAMAS have reported losing anywhere from 5-31 pounds, and have walked away with a life-changing outlook that they could carry on by themselves moving forward. Most have continued to lose weight following completion of the challenges, but most importantly they’ve walked away stronger, more vibrant versions of themselves with new friendships that will last a lifetime.

- Small, intimate group of COMMITTED Challengers for 8 weeks.
- Private Facebook group to share daily struggles, wins/recipes, pics, motivation.
- Weekly FIT homework assignments to add muscle conditioning to compliment your already killer cardio from spinning, as well as lifestyle focus assignments to truly bring out a more vibrant version of you.
- Mandatory private spin class led by Amie S., fearless leader of the pack! (Sundays 10:30 am at the Beverly studio) Must spin 2x per week in addition to the private Sunday class (included in challenge price).
- Photoshoot/end of challenge potluck party to celebrate feeling your best!
- Optional beginning/middle/end of challenge measurements and weigh-ins.
- Amazing final prize for the winner of the ULTIMATE HOT MAMA.
- $249 for 8 weeks, includes unlimited spinning plus everything mentioned above! How HOT is that?!?!
- *Please note this is an 8-week, non-refundable contract and will be billed in full if chosen to terminate the challenge early*

How do I sign up